
Starting Up your Own Band

Posted on November 2, 2016 at 5:36 pm

Playing an instrument can be great fun, but it’s most fun when you are able to play in a group with other people. Lots of people who play an instrument now decide to start a band and it’s a popular hobby. If you’re good, you could even end up making some money out of it. We have put together some tips for music lovers who are looking to start their own band:

  • Use social media to help you. Put the word out that you are seeking band members and let people know about you as a player. You might want to find some forums or pages that relate to your local area so you can start interacting with the right kind of people.
  • Make sure you practice regularly. Once you are in a band, you will need to stay ahead of the game. Practice on a regular basis so that you keep you hand in and your muscle memory remains good.
  • Look for notice boards where you can advertise for other band members. You can try places like music schools and your local music shop.
  • Make sure you have a varied repertoire. This is especially important if you want to play gigs where you’ll be getting paid. Raise your popularity and increase your chance of getting hired by having lots of different musical styles at your finger tips.

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