How to start your own band

Posted on June 29, 2020 at 10:30 am

Joining a band is the easiest way to get started in your music career but you may want to start your own band. If you have made the decision that joining a band already formed isn’t for you and you want to start your own, follow this guide on how to get started.

1. You will need to come up with a strong name for your band. This will need to be memorable and unique.

2. Pick your band style. You will need to decide what type of sound and image you want your band to have.

3. Create and sign a band contract. This is a smart move for later down the line. Topics such as schedules, finances and song ownership should be in the contract.

4. Write your music

5. Agree on rehearsals and stick to them. People have all different types of commitments so you will need to come up with a rehearsal schedule that suits all of your band members.

6. Advertise your band – when you feel ready to start performing you will need to get your name out there. You can use flyers, social media and an email list.

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